Meal Subscriptions Explained

Fresh meals delivered right to your doorstep

Every week we offer a new, seasonal menu to make your selections from.


Our subscriptions are from 2 meals,

perfect for those days when slowing down is not an option, 

to 5 meals, which is a great way to start off a new dietary lifestyle, or sustain one. 


If you enjoy cooking but just don’t have the time, 

the meal plans can assist you until you are able to play chef again.


All the subscription plans give you flexibility to either dine out 

or grab that pizza on game night, if you wish.

Prices include:

A Chef designed, seasonal menu every week

Fresh, not frozen meals, prepared in our local, commercial kitchen

Menu choices such as Traditional, Low Carb & Vegetarian

Delivery right to your door

100% Re-Usable Packaging



There is a one time, non refundable container fee upon starting your subscription.

You can serve your meals right in the containers they are packaged in.  

Dishwasher safe, durable and beautiful.

Have Questions?

Email (below)
or Call: (646) 902-4488

To Start Service:

Fill out the form below.  We will be in touch to answer any questions you may have.

New menus go out on Monday.  

Menu selections are due on Wednesday mornings.

Deliveries are made on Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday

Pictured:   Grouper with Orange Glaze

Served with Cauliflower “Rice”, Green Beans and Pickled Red Onions